Finishes = nil but have accomplished a fair bit

 Although I haven’t actually finished anything this week, I have progressed a few projects. 

I’ve done much cutting for a new I Spy quilt for a young family member.  Love the wombat block.  Hopefully this will come together quickly once all the cutting is done. 

I did have a partial finish - I completed the sashiko embroidery on a panel I have had hanging around for years.  I actually took it away with me in January to do while I was working overseas this year but Covid changed that! so I’ve finished it off watching TV at home in lockdown.  Eventually I will border it with Japanese fabrics and turn it into a quilt. 

And I’ve spent most of today sandwiching a quilt.  The top was finished more years ago than I care to admit!, so I have finally made a pieced backing and pin-basted it.  On the floor, which is ruinous for the knees. Finished size will be about 1.6 x 1.9m.  Just a taste of the quilt in the photo.  I’m tossing up whether to hand quilt it with big stitches in perle cotton or a quick machine quilt.  

Easy to do while watching TV is sewing together a bag of crochet blocks given to me by a local friend. I’ve finished joining the cream blocks and will pick up a ball of yarn tomorrow that matches the blue blocks. This is the layout I decided on after much consideration.  

And to finish off this post - a photo of my sewing room helper, kindly keeping my sewing seat warm while I do other jobs.  


  1. Fantastic and love reading your blog already!! I have yet to source craft supplies in Corfu so my crochet hook is resting at present. Look forward to your next entry

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I can’t crochet that well but I can sew blocks together!


A squirrel appeared!

A squirrel!:  I made a quilt for a good friend who loves dachshunds.  I decided around Christmas to make this quilt and ordered the pattern ...