My first blog post

 My first blog post!  Scary in a way, because it is public but I think it could be fun to record what happens in my patchwork life. I read lots of different quilters’ blogs and enjoy them all.  It is great that people share their ups and downs with others.  One blogger I follow said she found it great to look back on her years of blog posts and remember the events of the past. So I’ll try it. 

First quilt finish for my blog.  A few months ago, I saw a quilt somewhere that I liked and thought I’d try it out.  Most photos I’ve seen have called the block design - Swoon.  Simple block based on squares and triangles (aren’t they almost all?) and easy to work out the design. So I made four blocks using scraps. They went together quickly and then sat for a time, as I couldn’t work out how I wanted to quilt it. Eventually bit the bullet and quilted three different designs - vermicelli in the background, pebbles on the centre stars and wavy lines along the patches in the outer stars.  Presume I will use it as a gift for a new baby?  

38” square. 16” block, plus 2” sashing and 2” borders. Finished August 2020. 

1 comment:

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

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