Each month, we are reminded by Kate or Gun to post about our use of scraps in the last few weeks. There's no obligation to post but it is a great way of reminding ourselves of what we've achieved, and of showcasing the various uses our scraps can be put to. I prepared this post on the 14th and then completely forgot to post it yesterday. I'm sure it is still the 15th in some parts of the world! ππ
Last month, I showed a photo of half-completed hand towels made from scraps. I finished nine of them this month and will share them with my daughter. The towelling part eventually disintegrates so needs to be replaced regularly. Generally the top part will last a very long time. Some I've had for at least twenty years. The towelling is made from an old towel that was past its prime. I used bias binding made from an old sheet to bind the towel edges and the hanging part is made from another old sheet (which I did buy from an op shop, so not really scrappy. However, it is something being reused, so I think it counts.) Usually, I made a buttonhole and sew on a button to close the hanging loop. This time, I'm trialling Velcro closure. Much quicker than making a buttonhole.

A charity sewing group I'm part of makes menstrual health kits for women and girls in developing countries. Although we do use most of the fabric that we have in making the kits, there is always smaller scraps leftover. A few of us have turned these scraps, with the addition of odd pieces from our own stashes, into baby quilts. The batting is new. Generally the backing is brought to the front and folded to bind the quilt. The baby quilts shown here will be going to indigenous women in Mindanao in the Philippines, so the women have something new for their babies along with their own menstrual health kits. The photo is taken at the old railway station in our town. No passenger trains use the line any more, so the waiting room is now a meeting room and our sewing room.
I'll be away next month so no Scrap Happy Day post from me in October.
The bloggers below are all ScrapHappy Day participants, maybe not every month, but their blogs are worth looking at. Hopefully I will be using my scraps up and can post at least one block done in a month. If you want to join in too, contact Kate below and have some fun with scraps. Kate sends a reminder email each month, a few days before the 15th, so you can post about your work with scraps.
Kate, Gun, Eva, Sue, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Tracy, Jan,
Moira, Sandra, Chris, Alys,
Claire, Jean, Dawn, Gwen,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue L, Vera,
Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti,
NΓ³ilin, Viv, Karrin, Alissa,
Lynn, Tierney, Hannah and Maggie