Sewing machine repaired and I'm off and running!

Finally made it to the larger town near us, where there is a sewing machine mechanic who could fit my machine in for a service and repair.  Since late November, the tension had been playing up.  I could piece without any problems but the free motion quilting was dire.  I had tested needles, thread, settings, and nothing made much difference to the free motion quilting.  Funnily, quilting using the walking foot didn't seem to be a problem.  Apparently it was the bobbin tension that was the issue and of course, with a computerised machine, I couldn't change that myself.  It needed a service anyway, since I can't get into the innards myself to clean out all the fluff.  

So finally, I've finished the free motion quilting on August's quilt.  It will be handed over in the next couple of weeks.  Now to finish the three other baby quilts that have been waiting since November.  The babies will be at school before they get the quilts at this rate!  😄

These photos are a bit dark, sorry.  Too breezy out in the open today.  

August's quilt:  finished size:  56.5" x 74.5" (143 x 190cm).    Pieced back, odds from other quilt backs and a big piece of space fabric that I hadn't found a use for.  Quilted with Signature threads Rainbows on top and Bottom Line in bobbin.  

January 2025 fabric tally

Finishes in the month:   bike basket cover = 0.75 m; August's quilt = 5.5 m

Purchases in the month:    none

Fabric used:  - 6.25 m         Fabric acquired:  + 0 m

Running tally for 2025:  - 6.25 m

Each year, my fabric clock goes back to zero.  Otherwise I don't think I'd ever catch up.

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