2023 finishes and goals for 2024

Happy New Year!

At the beginning of  2023, I compiled a list of things that I'd like to achieve in the sewing room.  Less than half of them happened but that doesn't worry me.  I still achieved some things, which is gratifying, and progressed quite a few other projects.  

In the year, I've made:  

  • two baby quilts  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/12/
  • some mindless sewing  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/10/
  • two shirts and an apron   https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/05/
  • bunting for my daughter's shop  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/03/
  • two quilts finally finished   https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/01/

Not too bad really, considering how busy I was outside the sewing room.  

And I made one more thing - one of those DREAMI projects, which I forgot to post about.  (DREAMI = DRop Everythind And Make It).  I just couldn't resist.

On our return from holiday this year, I wanted to do some mindless sewing and made a 1600"quilt from a jelly roll.  The top is hanging up, waiting for a border and quilting and binding, but that doesn't matter.  The 1600" quilt is a great way of getting a quilt top done in very quick time.  Take a jelly roll - 40 strips of fabric 2 1/2"wide x width of fabric - and sew them end to end, fold the long strip in half and sew along the long edge, and repeat until you have a reasonable sized quilt.  

Possible sewing goals for 2024

  • Elephant wallhanging - complete the binding and hanging loops and give to my friend.  It has been hanging around for more than a year (see what I did there?)
  • Sundress - make one or more sundresses for my granddaughter, from a pattern that she will grow out of all too quickly
  • Dress - make a dress for myself
  • Hat - make cloth bucket hat for myself.  I really struggle to find nice hats that fit my big head
  • Pants - make some lightweight pants for travelling for myself
  • Baby quilt - make a quilt for T & S's new baby due in February
  • Baby quilts - cut and sew a few quilt tops ready to give as gifts when babies are born
  • Quatro quilt - progress the hand piecing of the top
  • Quilting - choose a couple of tops from the box and quilt them up
  • Batman quilt - a Scottish friend has promised to visit us if I make him a Batman quilt so why not.....
  • Army quilt - now that my husband has retired from the army, I will make a quilt from all his old army T-shirts 
  • Quilt record book - I have a physical record of most of the quilts and embroideries that I've done over the years, but it needs to be caught up, and I want to make a digital record as well.  
So that's my hopes for the year!  But I won't beat myself up if I achieve none of them.  


  1. Sounds like you have done fine for 2023 and have some great goals for 2024........

  2. Also can you click on my contact box on my left sidebar to give me your email address for the invite....... Is not linked in your blog profile....

  3. You have a nice goal list for 2024. The jello roll quilt is so pretty. I really love the happy fabrics.

  4. Great list and wonderful to meet you on zoom being just down the road from Corowa! Hoping to hear from you


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