2023 finishes and goals for 2024

Happy New Year!

At the beginning of  2023, I compiled a list of things that I'd like to achieve in the sewing room.  Less than half of them happened but that doesn't worry me.  I still achieved some things, which is gratifying, and progressed quite a few other projects.  

In the year, I've made:  

  • two baby quilts  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/12/
  • some mindless sewing  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/10/
  • two shirts and an apron   https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/05/
  • bunting for my daughter's shop  https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/03/
  • two quilts finally finished   https://patchmaggie.blogspot.com/2023/01/

Not too bad really, considering how busy I was outside the sewing room.  

And I made one more thing - one of those DREAMI projects, which I forgot to post about.  (DREAMI = DRop Everythind And Make It).  I just couldn't resist.

On our return from holiday this year, I wanted to do some mindless sewing and made a 1600"quilt from a jelly roll.  The top is hanging up, waiting for a border and quilting and binding, but that doesn't matter.  The 1600" quilt is a great way of getting a quilt top done in very quick time.  Take a jelly roll - 40 strips of fabric 2 1/2"wide x width of fabric - and sew them end to end, fold the long strip in half and sew along the long edge, and repeat until you have a reasonable sized quilt.  

Possible sewing goals for 2024

  • Elephant wallhanging - complete the binding and hanging loops and give to my friend.  It has been hanging around for more than a year (see what I did there?)
  • Sundress - make one or more sundresses for my granddaughter, from a pattern that she will grow out of all too quickly
  • Dress - make a dress for myself
  • Hat - make cloth bucket hat for myself.  I really struggle to find nice hats that fit my big head
  • Pants - make some lightweight pants for travelling for myself
  • Baby quilt - make a quilt for T & S's new baby due in February
  • Baby quilts - cut and sew a few quilt tops ready to give as gifts when babies are born
  • Quatro quilt - progress the hand piecing of the top
  • Quilting - choose a couple of tops from the box and quilt them up
  • Batman quilt - a Scottish friend has promised to visit us if I make him a Batman quilt so why not.....
  • Army quilt - now that my husband has retired from the army, I will make a quilt from all his old army T-shirts 
  • Quilt record book - I have a physical record of most of the quilts and embroideries that I've done over the years, but it needs to be caught up, and I want to make a digital record as well.  
So that's my hopes for the year!  But I won't beat myself up if I achieve none of them.  

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