Not much done in August either!

August was another slow month for sewing.  My right leg was the infected one, so I couldn't use the sewing machine for several weeks.  And my brain was pretty tired earlier in the month, so I didn't want to do anything that might require thinking!  

Here is Kaye's wallhanging as far as it got to, before I became sick in early July.  Not even the top is complete, as I still have a couple of sections to sew together.  I am still mulling over how to back it, with or without a binding, and the hand quilting will also take a while.  Since I missed Kaye's birthday, I will now aim for this as a Christmas present!  It is approx. 110cm x 58 cm.

I did finish Cheryl's second mallet cover - a quicker project now that I have the pattern worked out.  

This photo shows the three mallet covers I made - the first one was a very scrappy prototype.  The other two are fairly bland, being a black fabric, and are for two different sizes of croquet mallets. Cheryl seemed quite pleased with them.  

Cheryl had also asked me to finish a blanket for her daughter.  Before she passed away, Cheryl's mother had been sewing Girl Guide badges on a blanket for Cheryl's middle daughter.  I was happy to finish sewing on the last of the badges, as Cheryl is not a sewist.  There were about 40 badges to sew on, of various sizes and shapes.  The blanket is a stretchy knit fabric and was a pain to sew on.  None of the badges would line up neatly!  But they are all on, and it is an honour to be asked to continue the work of Cheryl's mother.  


Other sewing work done in August included much mending - trousers for the hubby, my backpack strap, worn patches on one of my favourite tops, and a couple of the tops that I will be wearing on my September holiday needed minor repairs as well.  

Our much spoilt cat, Mish, now has a new place to sit and survey her world.  Hubby made the stand from scraps in the garage and painted it white.  I made a cushion filled with scrap bits of fabric, and a zippered cover for it.  This sits on the top shelf of the stand.  Mish seems to like it.


Since I will be away for three weeks in September, don't expect great things from me in the month!  I have high hopes for October though.  Mmmm, I think I said that about July - back before I got sick.  I do have to get sewing though, as I need to get that 2022 fabric tally down quite a bit more.  It would be nice if I could use up all the fabrics that I purchased this year.  

August 2022 fabric tally

Finishes this month are:  croquet mallet cover = 1/4m fabric; cat stand cushions = 1/2m fabric.

Fabric used:  - 0.75 m         Fabric acquired:  + 0 m

2022 fabric tally so far:     + 26.25 m

My time away in September is in a place with lots of lovely textiles.  Will my purchases count towards my fabric tally in September?  Time will tell.  😇

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...