Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks. Generally it is fabric but not always, and there are some innovative uses of scraps displayed. Kate sends a reminder email so we don't forget to post on the 15th of the month. See below for details of how you can join in. It is a great incentive to get things done.
I wasn't at home on the 15th so am hoping that posting this on the 17th will be okay.
In the last month, I've worked on a few scrap quilts.
Two baby quilt tops from scraps of fabrics used for Days for Girls menstrual health kits. I had to work with the strip widths I had and the colours. Bright and cheerful. I will wait until I have a few quilt tops for DfG before the next steps in turning them into quilts.
A couple of months ago, I grabbed all the blue-ish 2.5" strips from the strip box and sewed them into dark/light pairs and then into strips of four. I then cross cut the strips into 8.5" blocks.The blocks are then cut on the diagonal and sewn together with different pairs of triangles, so the darks and lights alternate. Trim the blocks to 8" square and lay them out.
The bloggers below are all ScrapHappy Day participants, maybe not every month, but their blogs are worth looking at. If you want to join in too, contact Kate below and have some fun with scraps. Kate sends a reminder email each month, a few days before the 15th, so you can post about your work with scraps.