ScrapHappy Day 15th November 2024

Today is the day in the month when a group of (mainly) quilting bloggers share their previous month's work using only scraps.  Some months I'm only creating scraps, including this month, but I have also done some sewing with scraps.   I made two blocks using Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Trips pattern, and have decided that it is easier to sew the block using six times 2 1/2"  strips rather than 36 separate pieces of fabric.  I do have quite a few 2 1/2"  pieces in my scrap drawers so will have to use them up in some sort of other scrap quilt pattern, if not this one.  

Here's all my 12"  blocks together so far.  One block was obviously sewn using a different foot, as it is smaller than the other blocks by about 1/2" .  

I've also made a few potato chip blocks this month, using my 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" pieces.  
I tend to do this sort of sewing when I just need some mindless piecing to keep my sewing mojo encouraged.  

I made five yellow blocks and put these with my other potato chip blocks.  Will be a while before I have enough for a quilt!

I'm posting this the night before the 15th.  I'll be busy all day tomorrow and don't know how to schedule publishing my blog in the future.  Sorry!

The bloggers below are all ScrapHappy Day participants, maybe not every month, but their blogs are worth looking at.  If you want to join in too, contact Kate below and have some fun with scraps.  Kate sends a reminder email each month, a few days before the 15th, so you can post about your work with scraps.      

What happened in October?

Three weeks away in Uzbekistan meant I didn't get much sewing done in October, but my fabric acquisitions increased.  Some photos of the wonderful embroideries I acquired are below.  I also purchased (quite) a few metres of ikat fabrics, mainly to make clothes for myself.  The fabrics are fairly narrow lengths so I bought double what I thought I would need for a dress and a couple of tops.

Hopefully one of the suzanis I've bought will be the centre of an Uzbek inspired quilt.  These embroideries are worked on silk and are about 24" square.  I have a few other silk fabrics in my stash which hopefully will go well with one of these, and make a nice quilt to remember Uzbekistan by.  The suzanis we saw for sale varied a lot in quality and I am hoping we weren't ripped off at any stage.  Regardless, I thought they were great.  

I also purchased a quilted jacket, double sided, which fitted me.  That was a bonus. I also bought three house dresses/caftans, one in silk, the other two rayon. They are ikat patterned fabrics so will be a wonderful reminder of Uzbekistan.

 A gift from the tour company was a lightweight ikat fabric kimono-style jacket.  The woman who sewed it for me must have done it overnight, as we met her late one afternoon and then saw her the next day for lunch.  And I didn't know that I was going to receive it, so she worked off seeing my body and working out my size.  I was so appreciative of her work on my (fat) behalf.

Beautiful suzani wall hanging, purchased from Hakim in Namangan

Two cotton ikat scarves bought in Samarkand.

Two pairs of scissors bought in Bukhara.  One is engraved Maggie

This suzani is about 24" square.  I intend to use it as the centre of an Uzbek inspired quilt.  Bought from Hakim in Namangan.

Another suzani purchased from Hakim.  Couldn't resist.

Another pomegranate inspired suzani from Hakim.

Two cushion covers, bought from a local coop outside Bukhara.

Enough cotton ikat to make a tunic top or maybe a sundress.  Bought at a local market in Bukhara.  

Two silk/cotton ikat lengths, each enough for a dress or similar.  Bought at the local market in Bukhara. 

A silk ikat length for use as a scarf.  I will have to hem it.  Bought in the local market in Bukhara.

Another silk length for a scarf.  Bought in the local market in Bukhara.

Three scarves.  The pale green is pure silk, so light, and was made in a Khiva workshop initially begun by Chris Aslan.  The other two were purchased in a Samarkand market.  The burgundy scarf is shot silk and just sings.  

A suzani table runner, bought from a coop just outside Bukhara.  

October 2024 fabric tally

Finishes in the month:   none

Purchases in the month:     too many to count!  about 20m of fabrics to be used for quilts and/or dressmaking

Fabric used:  - 0 m         Fabric acquired:  + 20  m

Running tally:  + 58 m

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...