June update

I've been doing a fair bit of sewing over the last month and very happy with my progress.  No finishes yet but that will come.

There has been an influx of babies around me so I'm busy with baby quilts at the moment.  Six of them!  A couple will be for the older sister and cousin of a baby born recently.  If I give the new baby a quilt with their name on it, I really should give the older children quilts with their names on them.  I'd like to finish them all and get them to their owners by the end of September, even earlier if possible.  We will see what happens.  Deadlines have a habit of swishing past.  

I'm not sure about the stop border on this quilt top, I think it might be too dark.  I have time to think on it before it will be quilted.  I didn't have enough of the coloured spots fabric for the whole border so had to compromise with the corners.  It looks like I meant it, so all good.

A plus quilt for a three year old girl, laid out on my portable design wall (a fleecy backed plastic tablecloth - it works really well.)  I'm still to complete the top but it is close.

With this quilt, for a three year old boy, I wasn't sure about just flinging blocks randomly about or trying to have diagonal lines of colour.   What do you think?  This is called Confetti quilt, from the book Super Simple Fat Quarter Quilts by Lynda Milligan and Nancy Smith.  I've actually used a layer cake and altered the block size accordingly.  

So my next steps are to finish the two tops, think more on the stop border on the finished top, and then start cutting for another three quilts.  I'm away for two weeks in July, up north to the sun, so may not have time to get much done in the month.  

June 2024 fabric tally

Finishes this month:    none

Purchases this month:     none

Fabric used:  - 0.0 m         Fabric acquired:  +0.0 m

Running tally:  + 33.75 m

Although I've used quite a bit of fabric in June, no finishes yet so I can't count them.  Won't be long though!

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...