February 2023

I seem to have done lots of sewing in February but nothing much for me, and not a lot to show. I did collect a painting from an artist near Bendigo, Kerry Punton.  I had commissioned this painting from her after seeing one of her works at a friend's house.  I love her style and use of colour.  And I love pelicans.


Our Days for Girls group was donated some quilt tops.  One member quilted them on her longarm machine, and I volunteered to bind them - which I don't mind doing.  So they were both done. Only a photo of one of them though.  I've already taken the first one to a group meeting. Both are lap size quilts, not very large.  We will be able to sell them for a small amount and use the money for more fabric and threads for our work.  I quite like the fabrics in this one, all vintage style.  The binding fabric came from the donations the group receive.  

I made bunting for my daughter's shop - Twist and Sprout.  In line with her philosophy of reduce, re-use, upcycle, recycle, etc., I made the bunting from some sheets picked up at the op shop.   I actually picked the sheets up before Christmas but because January was a write-off, sewing wise, I didn't get a chance to make the bunting until this month. I did have to buy more fusible bonding web from the local patchwork shop, which stocks a good quality product.  I have had some dodgy ones in the past which separate or won't work properly.  This one worked well.  16 flags in total, about 4.5m of bias binding needed but probably twice that made!  I'll use the leftover binding for something eventually.  And I still have about half the sheet fabric in my daughter's preferred colours so can make something else for her shop with that.  The non-bunting sign used up the letters which I realised too late were too small.  I appliqued them on to some of the sheet fabric, and will hand over to my daughter to do something with it.  


Another job I've done is to work my way through sewing a pile of cloth Girl Guide badges onto a wool felt poncho for a friend - her mother started sewing them on by hand but sadly passed away.  So Cheryl passed on the poncho and bag of badges to me and I've sewed them on by machine.  Much faster than by hand.  I will be meeting up with her next week and will pass back the poncho to her.    

A few months ago, I added a pile of Girl Guide badges to a blanket for Cheryl's daughter.  That was harder as it was a knit blanket and moved every way but the way you wanted.  The poncho has been heaps easier as it acts like a woven fabric.  

February 2023 fabric tally

Finishes this month:  Emma's bunting = 1.5m fabric

Purchases in February:     no fabric purchased

Fabric used:  - 1.5m         Fabric acquired:  + 0m

2023 running tally:          - 17.75m

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...