Just June

A new baby quilt is quilted and bound, and on its way to the happy family via Australia Post (who had better deliver it!)  Finished size is 32" x 48" (81cm x  122cm.)  Made from leftovers from a previous I Spy quilt, in the woven pattern that I don't know the name of.  The border fabric is pretty old, I think, from my stash.  The backing fabric is a fairly new one and the batting was from my stash of smaller batting pieces so I'm not sure of the composition of it, although I think it is cotton/polyester mix.  '


We had visitors this month and, since there isn't electric blankets on our guest room beds, I provided hot water bottles.  So I had to make two covers for the bottles, of course.  They didn't take long as I think I have the making of this pattern down pat now!

Here's photos of the badges I made for the "police"and "security"costumes at our local toy library.  I used the toy library logo on the badges.

I've started sewing with a charity called Days For Girls - www.daysforgirls.org   This group provides reuseable, appropriate products for women and girls in developing countries so they can manage their monthly periods and engage in education, employment and livelihood activities.  In some countries, the local women make the products.  In countries like Australia, there are many groups who make the kits up to send to women who need them, with appropriate education and support.  These kits cost around $15 each to make and will last a women for about three years.  

There is a local group of women who get together regularly, to sew up these kits according to precise guidelines.  I am excited to be part of the group and to know that my sewing can help women in other countries in this way.  Do have a look at the website and see what they do - I am impressed with their work.  

June 2022 fabric tally

Finishes this month are:  two hot water bottle covers and the baby quilt.  I really need more time at the sewing machine!  

Fabric used:  - 2.0 m         Fabric acquired:  + 0 m

2022 fabric tally so far:     + 27.5 m

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...