Almost May - already!

Didn't realise I'd bought so many grey threads.

Since my last blog post, I’ve hardly been home, with a couple of short and two longer trips away from home. And when I was home, I seemed to be unpacking and washing, or working, or packing for the next trip - so very little sewing was done at all.  In ten weeks, I was home only 14 nights, split into several short stints.  And while away, sadly, I did very little hand sewing, being busy with sightseeing, etc.  

Seen in a museum in Charters Towers

Our most recent trip was four weeks in Queensland, so we drove through lots of small (and larger) towns, where of course I wanted to support the local patchwork shops.  They vary so much in how they’re presented, the stock they hold, and the warmth of the welcome. Some shops held so many fabrics that it was hard to choose.  One of the smallest towns had a shop with an amazingly wide assortment of fabrics and notions.  

These are the shops I would recommend a visit to:

  • Just Country Crafts - in Gulliver, a suburb of Townsville - such friendly, helpful staff 
  • The Quilters Store - in Salisbury, a suburb of Brisbane (I have gone to this shop each time I visit Brisbane, and was sad to hear that it is becoming an internet only store in June)
  • Needleworx - Mackay
  • Brown’s Craft Shed - Charters Towers

Unpacking from this trip was great, finding all the goodies I’d purchased. Sadly this means my fabric tally is definitely not in the black!  But I have ideas for so many more quilts, utlising these fabrics.  Other than fabric I also bought a few different threads and I succumbed and bought a couple of patterns. I did buy more grey threads than intended!  

More cat fabrics! for my teeny tiny collection! 😆
Novelty fabrics for kids' quilts
Useful sashing & border fabrics

             So I really supported local patchwork shops!  😄

I was also given a large bag of craft fabrics from a deceased estate, which I won’t include in my monthly fabric tally - mainly because I haven't looked at them yet.  I might include them after I've sorted them.  They are mainly checks and plaids, and I have an idea for making some donation quilts with them.  

April fabric tally

Fabric used:  - 0.0m         Fabric acquired:  + 31.5 m

2022 fabric tally so far:     + 31 m

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...