2021 - done and dusted!

Happy New Year to all my readers - all two? of you!  

2021 was supposed to be better than 2020.  Not sure that it actually was, in some ways it was worse, other ways a little bit better.  We certainly didn't think we'd still be worrying about this Covid pandemic by now, did we?  However, I have designs on 2022 being much better - fingers crossed!

Something happened with the photo I used a couple of posts ago to show the dress that I made for my granddaughter.  I had edited the photo to hide her face and it didn't come up properly in the blog post.  I tried to fix it but that didn't work either.  So here is try number three!

And here is the new top I've made for her from the same pattern - this time with sleeves.  Butterick pattern number B4176 - size 5.  I will try something else from the pattern, maybe the shorts for summer?

The granddaughter's official Christmas present is a reversible apron and chef's hat.  Made from Bluey fabric because I want to use it up before she grows out of loving Bluey.  The hat was much easier to make than I thought it would be and fairly quickly done too.


I've finished the first medium grey round of the Quatro quilt top.  When I started this quilt (in 2018?), I decided the original pattern was too small so I bought some more grey fabrics for extra rounds of crosses.   There was enough fabrics in the kit for heaps of "flowers".  Now to make enough multi-coloured "flowers" and medium grey crosses for the next round.   There will be more "flowers" and light grey crosses after the second medium grey round.  That will be followed by another round of "flowers" and then white 3/4 crosses, after which it will be appliqued onto the border fabric.  Currently it is about 1.25m square and should finish over 2m square.  So still heaps of sewing to do.  But it has been quite enjoyable so far, seeing it grow.  And now that I have a friend in mind to gift it to, it is easy to continue going round and round.


2021 finishes


Christmas things:




(OK, so the hexagon blocks aren't really a finish.  But they're part of the way to a finish!)

2021 fabric tally

So this year was good as far as fabric use outweighed my fabric purchases.  A bonus for the stash.  I can feel pleased about the final tally.  

I was down in Melbourne for a few days just before Christmas and desperately needed some retail therapy.  The local quilt shop was keen to have my business - of course.  I went through their remnants and found a few nice pieces, suitable for bindings/borders - 2.5m in total.  I mainly went there to top up on threads and found a few Signature threads at half price.  So I felt that it was a really worthwhile visit.  

0.5 m used for the apron and hat.  1.5 m used for the purple top for the grandchild.  

    Fabric brought in:    + 2.5             Fabric used:   - 2 m
    Total for second half of Dec:      + 0.5  m       
    Running total for 2021:    - 20.5 m

2022 goals - or maybe they should be called aspirations?

I don't want to commit myself entirely this year, however it will be nice to get a few things finished and out of the way.  So these are written in pencil! and can be amended at any time I want - OK?  😀  And there will be nothing wrong if I start a new project, with lots of my goals unfinished.
  • Finish elephant wallhanging for my girlfriend
  • Make backing, sandwich and quilt the music quilt
  • Quilt and bind sawtooth star quilt
  • Make baby quilt for Kat's baby due in April
  • Finally finish the blue strips QAYG quilt, with the sashing lined up properly - I will get it right eventually!
  • Go through finished quilt tops and get some of them finished as donation quilts
  • Make some I Spy quilts to have on hand as gifts for friends' babies
  • I'm also keen to do some more fabric printing with linocuts

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...