August achievements!

Here's the "better" fabric basket for my granddaughter, made to my own pattern after viewing a range of different fabric basket tutorials on the web.  I had to do a few bits of unsewing with this one, but nothing noticeable fortunately.  And it works quite well.  I've used cardboard to make it firm, but think Corflute might work better - maybe.  Cardboard is cheap of course and is recycling at work - I knew those wine boxes would come in handy!  😁🍷

I've written up my instructions so I can make a couple for myself as well.  Now I know how to do them fairly quickly.  I will make several more for my granddaughter too.  I will have to start a production line.  We're in different states and both in lockdown, so it could be a while before I can drop the basket off to her.  

This is the handwork project I took away with me earlier this month.  I've had this project in mind for quite some time, and have been cutting backs, batting and fronts for these QAYG hexagons, using cat fabrics and backing in colours of blue, black and white.  These are the ones I worked on while away, so a finished quilt is a long way off.    I have a large (perhaps huge?!) collection of different cat fabrics so won't run out of fabric for the fronts of these hexagons.  

Sadly I still haven't seen my brother to hand over his 60th birthday quilt.  Who knows when we will get together again, with lockdowns in both states and strict border closures.

So not a lot to show for the month really.  I have worked most evenings on my Quattro quilt of course, while watching Netflix etc.  

How have I done so far with the goals for August:

I didn't add any new goals for August, as I still had June and July goals to work on.

1.    Make up backing for Strip Twist quilt, baste, quilt and bind - Finished!

2.    Finish a better fabric basket for the granddaughter - Finished!

3.    Make a knitting needle roll for a friend - not even started!

4.    Re-join QAYG blocks into sashed finished quilt - not started but I've worked out what I need to do by watching various YouTube video tutorials.  

5.    Continue to hand piece the Quattro quilt at night when watching TV - Ongoing project, so might not include this in my monthly goals any more.  

6    Design and start cutting fabrics for elephant wallhanging - done.  Still playing with the design though.  

7.   Get a box of handwork to take away with me next week.  Done!  

I did well in June and July.  August has been a bit slower because we were away.  

August 2021 fabric tally:

While on holiday, I found a patchwork shop in Cobar, so helped the local economy by buying a few metres.  
The fabric basket used 2m of fabric.  

    Fabric brought in:    + 4             Fabric used:   - 2 m
    Total for August:    + 2 m       
    Running total for 2021:    - 12.3 m

Goals for September

  1. Make more fabric baskets, at least one more for my granddaughter and one for me.  
  2. Make a knitting needle roll for a friend
  3. Re-join QAYG blocks into sashed finished quilt
  4. Start piecing the elephant wallhanging
  5. Quilt and bind sawtooth star quilt
That's enough to start with, I think, especially since several have been hanging around for a while.  

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...