Finishes in July!

Another finish for the year.  The Strip Twist quilt in red, black and white is done and dusted, and ready to hand over to my brother for his 60th birthday.  Since he doesn't read this blog, I can show a photo of the finished quilt.  Due to lockdowns (for him) and a few weeks’ holiday (for me), I still haven’t given it to him but it will happen.  No idea when we will be able to get together again.

Finished July 2021.  Size:  59" x 75".  Used a red, black and white jelly roll purchased from Grandmothers Garden (NZ).  Backing made from assorted red, black and white fabrics from stash.  Pattern called Strip Twist by Bonnie Hunter.  Batting is Legacy 80/20 wool/polyester.

My table tennis table came out again this month, so I could baste the Strip Twist and sawtooth star quilts.  It was so easy to baste them without having to kneel on the floor.  I wish I had bought a table like this years ago.  I might have got more quilts made!  I like piecing and I like quilting - it was always the sandwiching and basting that I put off.  

Here's the second basket I made for my granddaughter's Ikea shelves.  Not happy with this one, either.  Still too floppy despite the use of the heaviest weight fusible "stuff", and the design is dodgy.  Great that it is reversible but it means the ends are very awkward and catch on things.  On to the third iteration soon, using cardboard to line pockets in a fabric basket.  Hope that works better.  

Sorry folks, if I confused you with the instructions for the email link.  As you would have realised, it is actually on the right hand side of the page, not the left.  Hopefully I haven't lost any of my following friends along the way! (And of course, if you look at the blog on your phone, the link is at the bottom.)

How have I done so far with the goals for June/July:

1.    Finish sawtooth star quilt top - Finished!

2.    Make up backing for sawtooth star quilt, baste, quilt and bind - Backing made and quilt basted.

3.    Finish red, white and black Strip Twist quilt top - Finished!

4.    Make up backing for Strip Twist quilt, baste, quilt and bind - Backing and binding made, and quilt basted.

5.    Finish a better fabric basket for the granddaughter

6.    Make a knitting needle roll for a friend

7.    Re-join QAYG blocks into sashed finished quilt

8.    Continue to hand piece the Quattro quilt at night when watching TV - Continuing to piece blocks for next round of quilt.  

9.    Design and start cutting fabrics for elephant wallhanging.  

10.  Get a box of handwork to take away with me next week.  Done! 

I did well in June and even better in July.  We were planning to be away for a large part of August, but have now pushed it forward to the end of July, so I'm not going to add anything new to the goals list, other than preparing the handwork to take with me.  Not sure when we will be home in August to continue working on the list.  

July 2021 fabric tally:
No fabric purchases in July, but a few finishes, so I can record those in my fabric used tally for the month.  
The Strip Twist in red, black and white used up 3 m in backing, .4m in binding, and approx 4.5m for the front = 7.9m total.
Sawtooth Star used up 2.5m in backing, .33m in binding, and approx 3m for the front = 5.33m total

    Fabric brought in:    + 0             Fabric used:   - 13.7m
    Total for July:    - 13.7  m       
    Running total for 2021:     - 14.3 m  (used fabric)

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

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