Some days it is hard to know where to start...... but William Morris will fill the gap


Two days ago, I realised I hadn't spent much time in the sewing room over the last couple of weeks, when I went in there and had to refresh my memory on where I'd left off on the audiobook that I'm listening to while sewing.  This time I stayed long enough to finish off that book, and am now ready to start a new book.  Lately my sewing listening has been two detective series by Ann Cleeves - Shetland and Vera Stanhope alternately.  I just have to pause if I'm doing any mental maths, as I can't listen and work on numbers at the same time.   

When I did go into the sewing room, there were lots of different things I could have done, on a number of projects already started.    Did I do any of those tasks?  No!  I started and (at least) finished something new.  Many years ago (35? maybe) I made a knitting needle roll out of some very ordinary scrap fabric and, although knitting is not a major craft I do, I have been wanting to update the roll for a long time.  So I did that instead of all the other tasks I could have been doing!  I just copied what I had done before, using a lovely furnishing weight William Morris design fabric by Sanderson.  I attached the selvedge and wrote the needle sizes on it (no waste!) and a scrap of ribbon to tie it up with.  It isn't perfect but when I see it now, I will be happy with the beauty of it.  


I've finished four of the scrappy around the world blocks, and am quite happy with the way they look together.  The blocks are 12" finished, so shouldn't take too long to get enough done for a quilt.  I plan to work on a few more over the next while.

I laid out all the William Morris layer cake blocks on the living room floor and, with the assistance of the handy helper, put them into a design that I was happy with.  I bundled up the rows, labelled with their order, and put them in the sewing room.  Last night I was talking to my daughter and sent through a picture of the quilt layout using my iPad.  That's when I noticed the dark rows at one end.  They are too dark compared to the other end of the quilt.  Can you see them too?  So now I will re-do those rows, perhaps adding a couple of lighter blocks to lessen the darkness.  Good thing I noticed it before I started sewing the blocks together.  Photos of quilt layouts can be very helpful in the design process.  


Some quilting bloggers (and knitters too) I follow keep annual running totals of the fabric brought in and used up of their stash.  I might try that and see how I go.  The theory is that you use more than you buy in the year.  So far it isn't looking good for me but that will change, I hope.
(The problem is, how do I account for the strings and scraps I have been using to make blocks so far this year?  I suppose I will just add then to the used amount once the quilt top is finished?)

February:       Fabric brought in:    12 m            Fabric used so far:    4.5 m
                        Running total:  - 7.5 m

I had a lovely day out with several quilting girlfriends last week, before another lockdown happened.  We visited two patchwork shops - Millrose in Ballan and Gail's Patchwork Emporium in Sebastopol (both near Ballarat, Victoria.)  I spent up but I did have specific fabrics in mind to buy, although of course I bought another couple of quarter metres of some that caught my eye.  

Due to the lockdown, my planned long weekend away has been delayed - so off to the sewing room I go!  Hope your creative pursuits are making your heart sing.

Scrap Happy Day March 2025 - better late than never!

Each month, on the 15th, a group of people post on their blogs about their use of scraps over the previous four weeks.  Generally it is fabr...